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While I'd heard anecdotally of an increase in athletes of different ages collapsing and being carted off fields of play or practice courts and so on, a statistic shared by One America News Network earlier this year startled me. The network reported 769 athletes had collapsed during games during a one-year period (from March 2021 to March 2022). A subsequent report by Good Sciencing found 890 incidents of athletes suffering cardiac arrest, another serious injury, or death after receiving a COVID-19 shot during that time period. The number who succumbed to death was 579.
In other words, physically fit persons who work out, exercise, and make sports a regular part of their lives were dropping dead after following guidelines (or mandates) to take a vaccine intended to further their good health. They were dropping dead at what I would consider an alarming rate. Dr. Joseph Mercola included a quote in his article, posted April 21, 2022, that "500% more soccer players in the EU are dropping dead from heart attacks than just one year ago."
I don't want to belabor easy-to-find stats regarding athletes who continue to drop during practices, Friday night high school home games, and nationally televised broadcasts. We all see this happening. What I want to point out is the mind-boggling hypocrisy and infuriating ability of actual science deniers to accept the reality taking place on the world stage.
I'm one of the people who was mocked by online trolls (and friends) for pointing out the propensity of the media, medical establishment, and fear-mongers for attributing most of the deaths in 2020 to COVID-19, no matter the underlying causes of a person's death. For example, if your uncle had a history of pericarditis and donut binges on days of the week ending in "y," his fatal heart attack during a bout with COVID-19 would be ruled a COVID-19 death, whether he was on the mend from the virus or not. If your sister was in the final battle of stage 4 breast cancer when the virus caught her, no doctor in his right mind would label her death from cancer. God no. It was obviously COVID-19 that took your sister from this world and the facility in which she died received a handsome kickback for the paperwork filed on your behalf.
Anyone caught questioning this online was crucified and canceled by those who worshiped Anthony Fauci.
Now we have a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) where humans can spend 45 minutes (or more) fighting to input basic data to alert "authorities" of adverse effects they've experienced from the COVID-19 shots. Look that up when you have an afternoon to drive yourself insane and an evening to sob into a pillow afterward. Fauci worshipers in elected positions have gone on record to fret about, wait for it, non-vaccine-related deaths being recorded as vaccine-related. Those same people who told us in 2020 that every death labeled a COVID-19 death would not have happened without the complication of virus, thus the virus needed its props, are now whining about how unfair it is to suggest the shots are part of the equation when a physically fit athlete drops in front of a camera live-feeding to a national audience. Those who once accepted the death-narrative of the media, medical establishment, and fear-mongers now blindly accept "unknown cause" is the trending cause of death.
COVID-19-shot-related deaths are real. They are not limited to athletes we see hitting the ground on live broadcasts a second before the feed is cut to commercial. They are not limited to college athletes we see collapsing on TikToks or Reels before the vids are suppressed by "the algorithm." They are not limited to a talented 17-year-old singer practicing his solo on a stage in Naperville, Illinois. They are not limited to my next door neighbor's friend or my boss's father. It frightens me when I think of the limitless death to come and the friends I am likely to lose too soon.
I suppose it's stupid to care what anyone writes on the death certificates of those we mourn. Will I care what culprit is blamed when I'm sobbing over the grave of a friend I've known for nearly four decades? I only wish we could've named the cause in time to stop those friends from putting poison in their bodies.